Tuesday, December 20, 2011

They listen but ...do they hear?

4 days before Christmas and the stores are so busy with shoppers.

As I was checking out there was a young lady about 28 working the register. She clearly did not want to be there. She was complaining about only receiving a $100.00 bonus instead of her usual $400.00. She wanted to be home with her children. She was tired, the baby was up all night and she still had so much to do to get ready for Christmas. She complained about the grumpy customers, her tired feet and she thought that management should have a heart and let the single moms off early. I told her that possibly the bonus was reduced because this store was opening another branch in a small town in California and perhaps my son might find employment there along with many others who have been out of work for so long. She was very unsympathic, she could not hear the message that she had so much to be grateful for.

  • One person complains about what another is desperate for. 
  • One who has, is often ungrateful, while one who needs is so appreciative. 
  • One expects things to be given to her, while the other is cutting wood to keep his family warm. 
4 days before Christmas may we each be grateful for the cup that has been given to us.

John 18:11

 11 Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”

Anna May


  1. It's really a matter of perspective, isn't it? It is sad that the young lady was so burdened with her situation that she couldn't really listen. I think many people are like that.

    A good reminder for me to be grateful for the cup I've been given. Merry Christmas!

    Blessings and love,

  2. Awesome. Merry Christmas. Welcome to blogging.

  3. Great message. Christmas is a great time for attitude adjustments!

  4. Thank you for responding. This is an awesome and fun way to communicate

  5. You will be glad Debbie talked you into blogging. I was reluctant to start (about 4 years ago) but can't imagine my life now without it. You're off to a great start.
    Merry Christmas blessings,

  6. A great post ~ I used to work at Wal-Mart, and can't imagine all that. She could be without a job soon in my opinion. Thanks for sharing those thoughts, and welcome to the world of blogging. :)

  7. Good post. Welcome to the blogging world. You're off to a good start. Keep going. God bless you as you live for Him. Have a great Christmas.

  8. Hi Anna May,
    Debbie told me about your blog - you are off to a good start. I'll drop by from time to time.
    Love you, h.
